Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beauty, Folkfest, Fashion Shoots and friends

 Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on the time you are reading this :D

I hope that each and every one of you are feeling the beauty of the world around you!  I know I am!!!  I wake each morning feeling a little groggy but as soon as I look out into the world we live, I cannot help but be moved by what I see!!!  The birds fly through the air, the fluffy clouds gently rolling by, the sounds of a fire truck whizzing by to help someone out.  Such beauty is all around us, we but need to shake our heads and see it for what it is, rather then taking it for granted.  

I walk to work some mornings and happened to bump into a friend of mine from the city, here we were just chatting away about our wonderful city and I posed the question, "why is there so much garbage around?  I mean do people not understand that someone has to pick up your litter?  Do they have no respect?"  He answered with, "its our society, we do not care to see, we do not have much morels or care for anything."  He went on to tell me that something as simple as J-walking is frowned upon in other societies and in our society it is socially acceptable.  He raised a very good point!!!  Do you J-walk?  I know I J-walked at any chance I could get, even sometimes crossing directly across the intersection if I could.  Now that he has opened my eyes I am trying my best not to J-Walk.  As for the garbage I pick up as much as I can as I go along.  Can you do me a favour and do the same?  I hope we can be the change together :D

I recently did a photo shoot with Ryan Wibawa using a couple gentlemen from Swish Model Management!!!  It was an amazing collaborative shoot!!!  The campaign was a huge success and I look forward to shooting with the team again soon!!!  You can see the pictures posted on the Swish Models Blog, just scroll down a little bit and you'll see them :D

In other news the Lennard Taylor Team has been working very hard to make clothing and accessories for this years Winnipeg Folk Festival.  If you have never been or never heard of the Winnipeg Folk Festival then my goodness you NEED TOO!!!!!  Its a delightful celebration of music, food and of course shopping!!!!  The line up this year is breathtaking and the festival is always a rare mix of delightful love and inspiration.  Be sure to check out the Foklfest Site and the Handmade village vendors list!!!

In the past little while I have been blessed with going on Breakfast TV in the mornings to talk about fashions!!!  If you would like to see some of the clips please have a look by clicking right here :D

In closing for this post I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all soon!  Please feel free to send feedback on anything your heart desires to and ps. It doesn't have to be about the brand, it could simply be something that makes you feel anything :D

Be well my lovely friends and remember, each thing in our world is beautiful, you only need to open your heart and mind to see it for what it truly is.

Smiles and hugs,
Lennard Taylor

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